Sunday, August 17, 2008


Made it home without event. Definately prettier here than Indy. And
with just enough time for nap before bed. Good night.

Day Four

It's the last day, and GenCon has the equivalent of a giant hangover.
All of the same things are happening as before, just slower, quieter
and with sense that you may not live through the day although you know
you will.

Photo is of the main boardgame room where I spent a majority of my
time. Nearly 200 tables set up, and it was almost full yesterday

That's it for me from GenCon I think ( unless something incredible is
seen). Hopefully one more game gets played with our core group, then
packing up an driving home. Thanks for following along, it was really
fun doing this.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Where there is anime

There are cosplayers. One sample from a hundred.

The Ram 2

What can I say? Downtown Indy offers less choose that you'd think.
But The Ram is cool, even if it's a chain. The owner is The Keeper of
GenCon Lore (google it) and caters to GenCon attendees. So it's
always busy, but entertaining when you can get in. They make their
own, real good, beer, and he themes the place out for geeks - this
Spaceballs playing on the main screen and there being a Butthead Amber
Ale (couldn't get past the lighting for a good picture).

Power Grid again

Yep, another game of Power Grid and another game not won by me. But
this was even fun that the last, with much more of the Chicgo crew
represented. Top to bottom, Conductor Don, Teddy Bear and Tony aka
Dixon the Destroyer. Buke Liberty looks on in the foreground,
wondering why the hell this foolishness has interrupted what could
have a Nap for the Ages.

Shared without comment

Morning game

Ted's learning how to play Tigris & Euphrates, yet another Reiner
Knizia designed game. He's not making a special face for the camera,
that's just his "getting whooped" face.

(Starfleet girl's boyfriend's the one whooping. Possibly Ted's " I'll
beam you up" joke wasn't the wisest...)

Late late night posting

Left iPhone in room last night so nothing photoed - here's the cat

Was up until 2:30 doing a variety of things, the highlight being a fun
team party game called Wit and Wagers, played with 30+ people and a
lot of fun. Otherwise watched a fair amount of anime and caught the
second half of Conan, which never fails to please.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Sorry Ed, that's as close as I'm getting

Under Pressure

After finishing lunch at The Ram with my friends Ted, Jake & Danny
chased with a fine Butthead Amber Ale, it's back into the Vendor
Hall. Just outside is something called Instant Game Show. Don't know
what they're selling but they have a stand and a host and lots of
cards with geek questions - movies, pop culture, etc. You have to get
10 of 11 right, allowed one miss and one audience assist.

I got in and had the topic: foursomes. I had to name the fourth of a group given the first three. I missed the first - Clyde is the fourth Pacman ghost it
turns out - but powered thru the rest to win my prize, an Etcha-Sketch
Pen! My audience and Jury are in the photo.


A game so old I'm the youngest one that plays it. Took five hours to
finish, which take a big junk out of the day but it was with it this
year - very good table to play with.

Speaking of, that's Dave Kenzor the hat. Interesting guy, founder of

Vendor Hall

Vendor Hall isn't open yet, as these folks have found out.

Late night gaming (again)

Long, fun day, not yet over, but getting close.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Vendor Hall

it's hard to convey the size of the vendor hall with pictures, bit
here's one anyway. It shows about a tenth of the room. The t-shirt
kiosk in the distance is about 20' tall (6 shirts high). There are
about 300 individual vendors listed to give an idea.

Game 2

Power Grid. Pretty game, but a real brain burner. Good table,
friendly people.

Boys with Swords

Yep, it's GenCon.

First game

Great Space Race, demolition derby in space. Chaotic good time.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Tecnically dinner at the fake Irish place, but priorities first...

Made it

View from the hotel. Best location so far for any GenCon, one skywalk
away from convention! Time for dinner and drinks with some of the Chi-
Town folks - hopefully we can get into the Ram.


There is an awful lot of it

One day til GenCon!

Breakfast before hitting the road... Check. And tasty.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Minnie says Hi!

Look into the Face of Furosity and FEAR